
  • Root any Android Feb 14 2016
    I always get a lot of questions asking for instructions on how to root a particular device. Unfortunately, the root exploit that worked on one device might now work on another. This usually means that the user will have to spend hours searching for a method to root their device. This tasks becomes even more challenging if their device from a little known company without a development community. Luckily, there is a way to ease this frustration.

  • Run Linux on Android Jan 21 2016
    One of the coolest things that you could possibly do with your Android device is to run Linux on it (A full desktop operating system, in the palm of your hand). If you are asking yourself what Linux is exactly, this might help give you a quick explanation. So what advantages would you get out of running Linux on your Android device? Well, besides doing things like running a Minecraft server and building your own cloud, you have a full suite of applications and….

  • Lock Computer from Android Dec 31 2015
    Consider this, you are sitting across the room chilling on your couch and you’re starting to fall asleep. Here’s the problem, your couch feels so good and you don’t want to get up to lock your computer, but you need to because you have nosy roommates. So wouldn’t it be great if you could remotely lock it from your phone? Okay, so even if this situation is completely unbelievable, this is still something cool to try and do.

  • Cast Android Screen to PC Dec 18 2015
    Have you ever had a moment where you wish that you could view a picture/video or even a game on a display larger than your phone? Maybe you haven’t, but it’s still something really cool to try it. This tutorial will take you through the basics on how to casts Android screen to PC. Before we begin, I do want to mention that those of you who are using one of the latest Samsung phones already have this feature built in.

  • Connect Android to Ethernet Dec 17 2015
    Do you want to get the fastest speed available on your Android device? Sure, LTE is fast and all but you’re hit with really small data caps. WiFi doesn’t impose the same limitations, but the speed is never consistent. So why not just connect Android to Ethernet? Luckily, Android Marshmallow comes to the rescue. Android Marshmallow introduces new drivers that allow you to connect your Android device directly to an Ethernet cable without needing root!

  • ios Emojis on Android Oct 26 2015
    Everyone loves those new iOS emojis. One annoying thing about dealing with emojis is that they look different on every platform. Android has the green blobs while ios has the yellow faces. In any case, getting the new ios 90 emojis on your Android device is not that difficult, provided that you have a rooted Android device. Keep in mind though, this will only allow you to receive and interpret ios emojis on your device (so no more boxes with X’s in them when you receive an emoji from your ios friend) but you will not be able to send the new emojis.

  • Super Smash Bros Meele on Android Oct 04 2015
    One of the best things about Android is that there are a lot of emulators for the platform. You can play games from the PS2, Nintendo DS, PSP, etc. No other mobile platform comes close to the same amount of emulation apps. With that said, one popular emulator that has been lurking around for quite some time is the Dolphin Emulator. It’s capable of emulating GameCube and Wii games. For this tutorial, we’re going to take a look at running Super Smash Bros Meele on your Android device.

  • Half Life 2 on Android Aug 29 2015
    Let’s talk about playing Half Life 2 on Android. If you are lucky enough to own an Nvidia Tegra device (such as the Shield) then you can completely ignore this tutorial because it doesn’t apply to you. Half Life 2 exists as an exclusive for Nvidia’s Shield device. Unfortunately, not everyone owns a device that is running the Tegra cpu. Luckily, using the app GlTools, you can emulate the Tegra graphics driver on your device.

  • Play Half Life on Android Wear Jul 23 2015
    Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. But in this case, you totally should. If you recall, I demonstrated how to play Team Fortress Classic on Android using the SDLash app. The app is able to emulate the GoldSource game engine, which was used in many of the classic valve games such as Half-Life and Team Fortress. Right now, I am putting together a tutorial on how to play Half-life on Android, but in the meantime, check out how to do it on Android Wear (albeit a little more complicated).

  • Play Team Fortress Classic on Android Jul 18 2015
    Have you ever imagined that you would be able to play a Steam game on your phone? Well, I hope so, because I already demonstrated how to play Portal on your Android device. In any case, it’s even easier to play Team Fortress Classic on Android. This is all thanks to an app called SDLash3D which uses the SDL library that allows you to do some really cool emulation such as running Windows 95 on your device.

  • Install Android on Old PC Jul 14 2015
    Do you have an old computer just sitting around? If you are like me, then you probably have a couple of old PC’s that once ran Windows XP but serve no useful purpose now. Of course, I could always just install and very lite version of Linux on it and call it a day. However, Linux takes a lot of time (compared to Windows) to set up and is a big learning curve for people who are unfamiliar with it.

  • Lock Phone From Android Wear Jul 13 2015
    Security means everything to me. I am that guy who uses two step authentication on everything, along with safety backups and more. When it comes to security on Android, things aren’t as tight as I would like them to be. On my S6, my favorite thing to use is the fingerprint scanner. I am aware that the fingerprint scanner does not offer better security than a strong password or lock pattern (although you could easily bypass the Android Lockscreen pattern), however, it will deter most people from trying to snoop around in my phone.

  • Play PS2 Games on Android Jul 04 2015
    I am not lying when I tell you that there is an actual PS2 emulator available for Android. No, I am not talking about one of the many fake ones that you see in the Play Store. I am talking about an actual app with the purpose of emulating the PlayStation 2. Now don’t get too excited. This app is still in the very early stages. The only commercial title that I have got booting so far has been Final Fantasy X.

  • Stream Steam Games to Android Jun 29 2015
    Have you ever wanted to play Team Fortress or PlanetSide 2 on your Android device? Well, there is no way to do that, unless you’re looking to play Team Fortress Classic on your Android device. However, you could stream these games from your computer to your Android device. Currently, the most popular method used to stream games to Android is some combination of limelight and Nvidia’s Game Stream. The unfortunate thing is that Nvidia’s game stream requires you to have a 600 series card or better.

  • Play Sega Genesis Games on Android Jun 13 2015
    The Sega Genesis was my very first game console. What my gaming PC is to me now, was what my Sega Genesis meant to me back in 1999 (if that makes sense). There are so many old titles that I used to love playing. And those cartridges…damn…I loved those cartridges. The best thing was that there used to be a huge bin at stores like GameStop, where I could easily pick up a bunch of them for under $10.