
  • Play Dreamcast Games on Android Jun 13 2015
    Ah, the Sega Dreamcast, it brings back old memories. Who am I kidding, I never had the Dreamcast myself. So unfortunately, my personal experience is limited to the only game (Sonic Adventures) that I have ever played on it. But, what I do know is that you can play Dreamcast games on Android! What You Will Need: Reicast or use This One if you are running a Lollipop Device and Experience Crashes with the Play Store version.

  • 6 Fun Facts About Android Jun 07 2015
    Android is full of surprises! Even when you think you know everything something new gets discovered. While you might be up to date with all the latest information, I am going to attempt to astonish you with 6 fun facts about android that you probably didn’t know. 1. The Android Logo used to be scary We all know that Bugdroid is the official Android logo. However, before Android was officially launched, dandroid was the temporary logo used to represent the operating system.

  • LG G4 Quick Review Jun 03 2015
    tl;dr The LG G4 is seriously one of the best Android smartphones of 2015. It might not have the most attractive design on the outside and in the UI, but it is very responsive and can last you through a whole day with moderate-heavy usage. The LG G4 Quick Review: Here is a quick review of the LG G4. Screen: The LG G4 has a 2560x1440p display. LG calls it a quantum HD display.

  • LG G4 Gaming Performance May 23 2015
    LG G4 Gaming Performance: Here is a quick look at the LG G4 gaming performance. If you are worried with LG’s decision to use the Snapdragon 808 over the Snapdragon 810, don’t be. In my testing, I used graphics heavy games such as GTA Vice City and Goat Simulator along with Real Racing 3. I could not get the device to lag, even with all the in game settings set to the max.

  • Windows XP on Android Wear Smartwatch May 19 2015
    Alan Turing, the great father of computer science, had once said that, “Machines take me by surprise with great frequency.” I think we could all relate to that statement in one way or another. From the age of early gaming, to the development of PDA’s, Smartphones, Smartwatches and even Smart Glasses, there never seems to be a point where technology fails to impress us. What is even more astonishing is how outdated technology can easily become to us within a small amount of time.

  • Run Minecraft Server on Android May 18 2015
    Here is how you can run Minecraft server on your Android device. This will allow anyone playing Minecraft on the desktop to connect to the server running on your device. To do this, you will first need to install Linux to your Android device then install java and run the Minecraft server jar file. It is actually a fairly easy process and takes no more than 15 minutes altogether.

  • Would you only buy a Galaxy or iPhone? Mar 06 2015
    Would you only buy a Galaxy or iPhone? So the other day, I was chatting with my friend about new smartphones. He currently owns the Galaxy S5 and was thinking about either upgrading to the Galaxy S6 or the iPhone. I jokingly informed him that there are other Android smartphone manufacturers such as HTC, LG, Motorola, etc. However he told me, “Dave, honestly, unless it’s a Galaxy or iPhone, I wouldn’t consider buying it.

  • Play PSP Games on Android Feb 17 2015
    Play PSP Games on Android Yes, you can play PSP games on your Android device. This is not a gimmick, nor some sort of absurd remote VNC. This is pure emulation right on your Android device. It is all thanks to the app PPSSPP. Surprisingly, some games work with excellent frame rate and graphics quality (Naruto for example). Keep in mind though, not every game will be compatible and it will not work with every device.

  • Run Python on Android Feb 17 2015
    Have you ever wanted to program on your phone? Well, believe it or not, you can craft code right in the palm of your hands. Python is not only a flexible programming language, it is also capable of running on your Android phone thanks to the app QPython3. Run Python on Android What You’ll Need: QPython3 With QPython3 you have access you to a multitude of tools. For example, you can use the Python interpreter.

  • Play Portal on any Android Jan 08 2015
    Ah yes, who doesn’t love a good game of Portal? If you are lucky enough to own an Nvidia Shield (or any Tegra 4 device), you already have access to the game plus more exclusives. But what if you do not own an Nvidia Shield? Well there is still a way to play Portal thanks to an app called GLTools. GLtTools will emulate the Tegra 4 drivers, so that the app thinks you are using a Tegra 4 device.

  • Bypass Android Lock screen Jan 05 2015
    Locked out of your phone? Well you are in luck. There is a way to bypass your Android lock screen. Now before you get too excited, there are a few stipulations. First, this only works when your security is set to pattern lock. Secondly, you must have a rooted android device. And finally, you need to have adb debugging enabled. I know this might only be a small percentage of people out there, so for those of you who do, here’s how you can bypass Android lock screen.

  • Adobe Flash Player Android Lollipop Dec 29 2014
    Adobe Flash Player Android Lollipop: At one time, Android fully supported adobe flash player. However, official support ended by the time KitKat was released (though there were still a few hacks that you could use to get it). Of course, HTML5 video players are the preferred option, but unfortunately, there are some porn sites that still rely heavily on adobe flash content. Well, if you have an Android device running Lollipop you can now access the flash content once more.

  • Boot Computer from Android Phone Oct 02 2014
    Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you didn’t have a flash drive handy? Well, the other day I was trying to re-install Windows on my laptop, and sure enough, my USB flash drive conveniently went missing. Luckily, I was able to use my Nexus 5 to mount the ISO and boot my laptop from it. So here’s how you can boot computer from Android phone: What You’ll Need: A rooted Android Device Laptop or Computer that can be booted from USB Drive Droid Step 1: Select Image File In order to mount an image or iso file from your phone, you’re going to need to use a special app called Drive droid.

  • Run Android apps on Chromebook Sep 21 2014
    Recently, Google has released an Android run-time for Chrome OS that will allow developers to easily port their android applications to Chrome OS (Feel free to watch the Keynote for more information). While this is a step in the right direction (and should have been included with Chrome OS from the very beginning, but I digress) there are only four official android apps available for Chrome OS (Evernote, Vine, Sight Words, Duolingo).

  • Best Paranoid Android Features Sep 16 2014
    Paranoid Android is by far one of my favorite custom roms.. It provides a stock like experience with added functionality. Each month the PA team has added a new signature feature to this amazing rom. So here’s a look at some of the best paranoid android features. Dynamic System Bars: <div> </div> <div> </div> <h2> Hover </h2> <div> <div> The third signature feature of PA is hover. Hover allows you to open notifications in a small standalone window.