
  • Play 4K YouTube Videos on Android Jun 14 2017
    So we have these impressive ultra-high resolution smartphones, yet we still can’t seem to play 4k youtube videos on Android. Some devices can’t even play 1440p YouTube videos despite having the appropriate screen resolution. Luckily, there is a simple trick that you can do to get a higher resolution format via the YouTube app on your phone, even if your screen resolution is not 4k. Essentially, we are going to add a line to the build prop that “tricks” the YouTube app into thinking you have a different display size.

  • Android cSploit Sep 16 2016
    A little while ago, there was this awesome program called dSploit. It was a network security app that provided users with an abundance of tools and operations to test the strength of their network security. Recently, dSploit was merged with a proprietary closed source app that isn’t free. While you can find older copies of dSploit floating around on the internet, none of them are up to date. Luckily, there’s an opensource implementation of dSploit over on Github called cSploit.

  • Android cSploit Sep 16 2016
    A little while ago, there was this awesome program called dSploit. It was a network security app that provided users with an abundance of tools and operations to test the strength of their network security. Recently, dSploit was merged with a proprietary closed source app that isn’t free. While you can find older copies of dSploit floating around on the internet, none of them are up to date. Luckily, there’s an opensource implementation of dSploit over on Github called cSploit.

  • Hack Android Apps and Games Jun 03 2016
    Wouldn’t it be great if every game had cheat codes? Well, this might be closer than you think. Using the app Game Guardian, we can change the value of any numerical data within Android games. Yes, you can now achieve an unbeatable high score in your favorite game. To do this you will need to have a rooted Android device. The process for this is fairly simple. We need to find the location of the desired attribute then change its value.

  • VPN Server on Android Apr 17 2016
    If you’re not using a VPN, you should consider using one. A Virtual Private Network (VPN) extends a private network across a public network. This gives you an added layer of security and privacy. Imagine if you are sitting at a Starbucks on their free public WiFi. Well, someone could have a program such as Wireshark or any other application open and sniff traffic across the network. Potentially, information such as usernames, passwords and other sensitive data could be exposed.

  • Root any Android Feb 14 2016
    I always get a lot of questions asking for instructions on how to root a particular device. Unfortunately, the root exploit that worked on one device might now work on another. This usually means that the user will have to spend hours searching for a method to root their device. This tasks becomes even more challenging if their device from a little known company without a development community. Luckily, there is a way to ease this frustration.

  • Run Linux on Android Jan 21 2016
    One of the coolest things that you could possibly do with your Android device is to run Linux on it (A full desktop operating system, in the palm of your hand). If you are asking yourself what Linux is exactly, this might help give you a quick explanation. So what advantages would you get out of running Linux on your Android device? Well, besides doing things like running a Minecraft server and building your own cloud, you have a full suite of applications and….

  • Half Life 2 on Android Aug 29 2015
    Let’s talk about playing Half Life 2 on Android. If you are lucky enough to own an Nvidia Tegra device (such as the Shield) then you can completely ignore this tutorial because it doesn’t apply to you. Half Life 2 exists as an exclusive for Nvidia’s Shield device. Unfortunately, not everyone owns a device that is running the Tegra cpu. Luckily, using the app GlTools, you can emulate the Tegra graphics driver on your device.

  • Run Minecraft Server on Android May 18 2015
    Here is how you can run Minecraft server on your Android device. This will allow anyone playing Minecraft on the desktop to connect to the server running on your device. To do this, you will first need to install Linux to your Android device then install java and run the Minecraft server jar file. It is actually a fairly easy process and takes no more than 15 minutes altogether.

  • Bypass Android Lock screen Jan 05 2015
    Locked out of your phone? Well you are in luck. There is a way to bypass your Android lock screen. Now before you get too excited, there are a few stipulations. First, this only works when your security is set to pattern lock. Secondly, you must have a rooted android device. And finally, you need to have adb debugging enabled. I know this might only be a small percentage of people out there, so for those of you who do, here’s how you can bypass Android lock screen.

  • Best Paranoid Android Features Sep 16 2014
    Paranoid Android is by far one of my favorite custom roms.. It provides a stock like experience with added functionality. Each month the PA team has added a new signature feature to this amazing rom. So here’s a look at some of the best paranoid android features. Dynamic System Bars: <div> </div> <div> </div> <h2> Hover </h2> <div> <div> The third signature feature of PA is hover. Hover allows you to open notifications in a small standalone window.

  • How to Root Any Android Device Jul 07 2014
    There are some things in life that sound too good to be true. However, this isn’t one of them. George Hortz, a hacker made famous by his iOS jailbreaks and PlayStation hacks has managed to root the Verizon Galaxy S5. So why should you care? Well, he used a recently discovered exploit found in all Linux kernels that were built prior to June 3rd. So in theory (and in practice) his app should work on any Android device that has a kernel build date prior to June 3rd.

  • Android Reverse Tether Jul 06 2014
    Everyone is familiar with tethering. However, many people overlook the ability to reverse tether. Reverse tethering allows you to share your computer’s internet connection with your phone or tablet. This is useful if you’re on a metered data plan or in an area which has no wifi and a weak mobile signal. What You Will Need: A rooted Android Device A Windows PC USB Driver Reverse Tether Zip (Go to this thread to download or direct download here) Step 1: Install USB Drivers If you don’t have any device drivers already installed on your computer and you never used adb before, then you will need to install the USB drivers.

  • How to Build Custom Cyanogenmod Rom Jul 04 2014
    Build Custom Cyanogenmod Rom? So are you ready to take on Rom Development? That’s okay if you’re not, because I’ll help walk you through it. In this tutorial, I’m going to show you how to build your own Cyanogenmod Rom right from source. This sounds a lot more complicated than it actually is though. However, keep in mind that you will need a lot of patience when doing this. For this tutorial, I’m going to assume that you have Linux up and running and you’re familiar with basic Linux and Android operations.

  • Enable Ultra High Graphics Dead Trigger 2 Jul 02 2014
    It’s not surprising that certain games purposefully limit the maximum graphics level that the user could set. However, it becomes an issue when the device you’re playing on is more than capable of handling the maximum graphics level, even though the developers didn’t think so. Unfortunately, Dead Trigger 2 is a perfect example of this scenario. Fortunately, with a little file modification you can enable the secret “ultra” graphics mode only accessible to latest generation iPhones and Tegra devices.