
  • Beyond cd and ls, Useful Linux Commands for Firmware and Software Development Mar 26 2023
    Everyday I discover a new linux terminal command to add to my toolbox. These commands speed up my software development, and make life just a little bit easier.

  • How to Run Linux on Android Nov 28 2020
    Here's how to run linux on Android in 2020. It's a super easy process that will allow you to run ubuntu on android. It does not require root and you're able to run full linux apps on android.

  • How to build a forum Feb 20 2018
    Practically every online community has a forum. It makes sense though because forums are a great way to facilitate online discussion. Now let’s say that you wanted to build your own online forum. Well, building a very basic forum wouldn’t be too complicated. Just script together some PHP with an MYSQL database and you will be all set. Unfortunately, this would likely leave you vulnerable to many potential security holes and a terrible user experience.

  • Run Linux on Surface Laptop Dec 22 2017
    It might be crazy to run Linux on Surface Laptop, but there is a way to do it. If you have extra RAM to spare on your Surface Laptop, just use Virtual Box because you’ll have all the driver support you need and you will not have to change your boot configuration. For the brave, here’s how to install Linux on Surface Laptop the more traditional way. Create Bootable USB Begin by creating a bootable USB of your favorite operating system using the free program called Rufus.

  • Run Kali Linux 2 on Android Oct 29 2017
    Kali Linux is a popular security-focused operating system that has many tools which could be used for penetration testing. In the past, I demonstrated how to Run Kali Linux on Android (version 1.0) via the terminal. Now let’s take a look at how to run Kali Linux 2 on Android without root. To do this, we will be using Limbo PC Emulator. It makes use of the SDL library to emulate Kali Linux 2 on Android.

  • Delete Pi User on Raspberry Pi May 07 2017
    One of the first things you should do when setting up the Raspberry Pi is to change the default password for the pi user. Personally, I would rather just delete the user altogether and create my own user. So here’s how I deleted the Pi user on Raspberry Pi. Step 1: Create a New User Before you begin, make sure that you can SSH into your Raspberry Pi . I first began by creating a new user on the Raspberry Pi.

  • Top Linux Apps Mar 28 2017
    I spent a couple of months using Linux as my secondary operating system. During that time, I came across some really useful Linux apps that satisfied my needs. So here’s my list of the top Linux Apps. HTOP To view the running tasks in Linux, all you need to do is open up a terminal window and type in the command top. This will give you a quick running view of all the active processes on your system.

  • Dual Boot Windows 10 and Ubuntu Mar 15 2017
    I woke up Sunday Morning with a cool project in mind. I wanted to dual boot Windows 10 and Ubuntu. The real reason for this was because I decided to give Jekyll a try and it was going to be my replacement for WordPress, but I digress. Another major reason to dual-boot Windows 10 and Ubuntu was so that I could keep all of my Android development and Web development stuff within Ubuntu and use Windows solely for video editing and gaming.

  • Create Shared Network Folder Linux Dec 31 2016
    One of the most convenient ways to share data across a network is using a shared network folder. In Windows, setting up a shared network is usually an easy process. However, it’s not a straightforward to do in Linux (no surprise). Create Shared Network Folder Linux To begin, you are going to need to download and install samba Next, create the folder that you want to share. I am going to create a folder in my home directory called shared:

  • Create a VPN Server Dec 08 2016
    There are three routes that you can take when setting up a VPN. You can either use a free one, buy a paid service or make your own. The advantage of free VPNs is that they are easy to setup; just install and they are ready to be used. My favorite VPN on Android is Opera VPN. The downside of Free VPNs is that they typically come with a 500 – 1GB data cap and are very slow.

  • Linux in Windows 10 Aug 27 2016
    Microsoft has done something really cool in the Windows 10 Anniversary Update. They gave users the ability to use the Linux Bash Command Line from within Windows. This is not through a virtual machine nor container, but a subsystem that they previously added in an earlier Windows update. Here’s how you can enable Linux in Windows 10: What You Will Need: Windows 10 Anniversary Update How To: ­ First, go into the start menu and search for the Windows Update Settings.

  • Hearthstone on Chromebook Jun 23 2016
    Hearthstone is a very popular game which I coincidentally don’t play. However, I do spend quite a lot of time on my Chromebook and love seeing how far I can push its compatibility with software. Naturally, the idea of running Hearthstone on Chromebook appealed to me. After all, Counter Strike, TeamFortress and PlayStation 2 games work, so I don’t see why Hearthstone wouldn’t. If you haven’t guessed already, we are going to be using Linux to make this work.

  • Hearthstone on Chromebook Jun 23 2016
    Hearthstone is a very popular game which I coincidentally don’t play. However, I do spend quite a lot of time on my Chromebook and love seeing how far I can push its compatibility with software. Naturally, the idea of running Hearthstone on Chromebook appealed to me. After all, Counter Strike, TeamFortress and PlayStation 2 games work, so I don’t see why Hearthstone wouldn’t. If you haven’t guessed already, we are going to be using Linux to make this work.

  • VPN Server on Android Apr 17 2016
    If you’re not using a VPN, you should consider using one. A Virtual Private Network (VPN) extends a private network across a public network. This gives you an added layer of security and privacy. Imagine if you are sitting at a Starbucks on their free public WiFi. Well, someone could have a program such as Wireshark or any other application open and sniff traffic across the network. Potentially, information such as usernames, passwords and other sensitive data could be exposed.

  • Mac OS on Chromebook Feb 13 2016
    Do you ever come across some crazy ideas? Well, this is certainly one of them. Running Mac OS on Chromebook is a lot easier than you think. Now keep in mind, you aren’t going to be able to do anything intensive on this. This is more a proof concept (like a lot of things that I do) and something just to admire. To do this, we are going to be doing some very convoluted emulation.