
  • How to build a forum Feb 20 2018
    Practically every online community has a forum. It makes sense though because forums are a great way to facilitate online discussion. Now let’s say that you wanted to build your own online forum. Well, building a very basic forum wouldn’t be too complicated. Just script together some PHP with an MYSQL database and you will be all set. Unfortunately, this would likely leave you vulnerable to many potential security holes and a terrible user experience.

  • Raspberry Pi Webserver May 07 2017
    One of the reasons that I purchased a Raspberry Pi was so that I can do local website development. Of course, I could have easily set this all up with Windows, but my desktop is already cluttered enough. And with a Raspberry Pi Webserver, I can set up scipts to run independently of my desktop. Here’s how to setup a Raspberry Pi Webserver What You Will Need: Raspberry Pi Setup Static IP Address It would be very annoying to have a website that always changes its address.

  • Create a VPN Server Dec 08 2016
    There are three routes that you can take when setting up a VPN. You can either use a free one, buy a paid service or make your own. The advantage of free VPNs is that they are easy to setup; just install and they are ready to be used. My favorite VPN on Android is Opera VPN. The downside of Free VPNs is that they typically come with a 500 – 1GB data cap and are very slow.

  • Run Minecraft Server on Chromebook Jul 20 2015
    So do you have a Chromebook sitting around that you have absolutely no idea what to do with? Well, if you or your buddies are minecraft junkies, then why not consider turning your Chromebook into a Minecraft server. It runs slightly faster than using your Android phone as a minecraft server, and offers a playable speed(though it can lag occasionally). Now before you do this, you need to make sure that you have Ubuntu Installed on your Chromebook.

  • Run Minecraft Server on Android May 18 2015
    Here is how you can run Minecraft server on your Android device. This will allow anyone playing Minecraft on the desktop to connect to the server running on your device. To do this, you will first need to install Linux to your Android device then install java and run the Minecraft server jar file. It is actually a fairly easy process and takes no more than 15 minutes altogether.