raspberry pi

  • Raspberry Pi Webserver May 07 2017
    One of the reasons that I purchased a Raspberry Pi was so that I can do local website development. Of course, I could have easily set this all up with Windows, but my desktop is already cluttered enough. And with a Raspberry Pi Webserver, I can set up scipts to run independently of my desktop. Here’s how to setup a Raspberry Pi Webserver What You Will Need: Raspberry Pi Setup Static IP Address It would be very annoying to have a website that always changes its address.

  • Delete Pi User on Raspberry Pi May 07 2017
    One of the first things you should do when setting up the Raspberry Pi is to change the default password for the pi user. Personally, I would rather just delete the user altogether and create my own user. So here’s how I deleted the Pi user on Raspberry Pi. Step 1: Create a New User Before you begin, make sure that you can SSH into your Raspberry Pi . I first began by creating a new user on the Raspberry Pi.