
  • Reddit API Application only OAuth in Javascript Oct 15 2017
    Before you begin developing your Reddit application, you will need to make sure that your app is authorized to access the Reddit API. Authorization is done through OAuth tokens that you receive from the Reddit server. The flow is pretty straightforward: Application Requests Token App Receives Token that’s valid for an hour App makes API calls with given token App request new token when the previous token expires For this tutorial, we are going to build a simple app that grabs the new posts from a subreddit.

  • JavaScript Callbacks Aug 17 2017
    In Javascript, a callback function is a function that is passed into another function as an argument. This allows you to invoke that function with a return value. Remember, Javascript’s implementation within a browser is single threaded (well..until recently at least). That means that all of your code is executed within one linear operation. However, there are some functions in Javascript which are asynchronous. That means that they have the privilege to be invoked anywhere in that line of execution.