Install Windows 10 on Chromebook

Here is a quick guide on how to install Windows 10 on a Chromebook. This will allow you to run Windows app on a Chromebook. To do this, you will need to have a Chromebook with Linux support . If your chromebook does not support Linux beta, you can check out my older tutorial on installing Windows 10 on a Chromebook.

Step 1: Enable Linux Beta

Enable Linux beta.

Step 2: Download Windows 10 ISO File

Download and install the Windows 10 ISO file from Microsoft’s Website .

Afterwords, reboot your chromebook.

Step 3: Transfer ISO to Linux files directory

When you enabled Linux Beta in step one, it automatically created a Linux files directory for you. Transfer the Windows 10 ISO to the root of that directory (or anywhere inside of that directory).

Copy to Linux file’s directory

Out of space

If you get the previous message about running out of space, then go into your Linux Developer options within Chrome OS and change the partition size to be at least 22 gb.

Step 3: Install KVM

Open up thr Linux terminal app and install KVM. We will use this to create a virtual machine to run Windows 10.

sudo apt install qemu-kvm libvirt-clients libvirt-daemon-system bridge-utils virtinst libvirt-daemon virt-manager -y

Step 4: Create Virtual Machine

After KVM installs, you should see an app inside of your Chrome OS app drawer (inside of the Linux apps folder) called Virtual Machine. Launch that application. From there, create a virtual machine using the ISO that you downloaded in Step 2. Remember to allocate at least 21 GB disk space for Windows to install. I used 4GB of RAM since my Chromebook has 8GB available.

Step 5: Run Windows 10 on Chromebook

From this point, you should be inside of the Windows 10 setup. Continue to setup Windows like you would on any other device. Once you’re done, you will officially have Windows 10 running on your Chromebook. Like I mentioned in the video, this isn’t perfect. It’s slow and there are some weird occasional bugs that cause it to crash. I wouldn’t rely on this as a daily driver, but still something cool to experiment with.