How to Block All Ads on Android without ROOT

I don’t think that I have ever encountered anyone who said that they like ads (other than maybe the Super Bowl ads). Nonetheless, ads are a necessary evil which must be tolerated in order to compensate for various internet endeavors. However, there are many apps, games, and websites which abuse ads and destroy the entire experience. In the past, blocking ads from these apps required that you root your device. Luckily, times have changed and there are new solutions to blocking ads on your Android device.

Only Block Ads Through Web Browser

If you are only interested in blocking ads that appear when you browse websites on your phone then all you need is a web browser that supports an ad blocker. There are many browsers out there with this capability including Samsung Internet, Firefox and more. Right now, Brave is the popular web browser of choice for blocking ads.

Block All Ads on Android

If you want to take it a step further and block all ads on your Android device (including ads in your apps and games) than you can use a VPN solution. With VPM ad blockers they will listen for your DNS queries and block traffic to ad networks. The app I am going to recommend to you is called Blokada. Blokada is open source which is very important in this case. I would be hesitant to use a closed source app for this because I would have no clue on whether the app is exploiting my data.

Download Blokada

Blokada is really easy to use. Just install it and activate the blocker. The ads within games and apps will no longer appear (except for an odd few like Instagram). I haven’t tested it long enough to notice any ill effects on battery, but others have said that the difference was negligible.