How to install Chrome OS on PC

I recently came to the realization that Chrome OS is in some ways a perfect operating system. No, I swear I’m not taking any hallucinogens. Here is a scenario that really opened my mind. I have an aunt who uses a basic low spec PC running Windows XP. All she does is check her email and check Facebook once per day, and that’s it. Unfortunately, her PC barely meets the requirements to run Windows XP effectively and is constantly cluttered from maleware, Trojans, etc. So after thinking, I came to the conclusion that Chrome OS would be perfect for her. After all, it’s an operating system focused around the web browser, so she’ll still have access to everything she needs on the web. In addition, due to the nature of Chrome OS, it would be very difficult compared to Windows to get infected with malware, adware and viruses. Of course, installing Android on a PC is another alternative.

Now before we get started, there is one technicality that must be discussed. Chrome OS is a closed source operating system. There is no way that you are going to be able to run that on any hardware (let alone get a hold of it). Its open source counter-part is called Chromium OS. If you have an Ubuntu desktop, you can build it yourself or use any of the pre-built images found here. So here’s how to install chrome os on pc:

What You Will Need:

  • Chrome OS
  • Win32Disk Imager
  • 8 GB USB Drive

Step 1: Bootable USB

First, download and extract the Chrome OS image file. Then burn it to your USB using Win32Disk imager.

Step 2: Booting

On your computer or laptop, make sure to boot from the USB. It should take you into the Chromium setup screen. From this point, you can set up your account and keep Chromium running from your USB.

Install to your Hard Drive (optional):

On the Chrome Login screen your four account, type in CRTL + ALT + F2 (forward arrow) to bring up the console window. For the login, type in **chronos. **Then type in the following:

That should install Chromium to your hard drive. It will ERASE EVERYTHING.

If the above command fails, try typing in sudo bash then retyping in the command.